UGA’s 40 Under 40 Greek Alumni
Each year, the University of Georgia Alumni Association choses a group of alumni under the age of 40 that have experienced career achievements, achieved personal goals or have been involved in philanthropic efforts to be recognized as a 40 Under 40 recipient. The Greek Life Office at UGA is pleased to announce that 17 of the 40 2022 inductees are Greek alumni. To be chosen as a 40 Under 40 recipient, nominees must uphold the Pillars of the Arch, be UGA alumni and show lifelong commitment to the university. Greek Life is proud of these distinguished alumni who continue to hold themselves to a standard of excellence post-graduation and remain a role model for the Greek community. These individuals were celebrated on September 9th at the 12th annual 40 Under 40 Awards Luncheon.
Lael Chappell – Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

“Being a member of the Greek Life community at the University of Georgia through my initiation in the Zeta Pi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. has been instrumental to my personal and professional development and continues to pay dividends throughout my career. While the leadership opportunities that were provided to me through the Greek Life community (as an undergraduate and graduate) have provided me the opportunity to develop and hone skill sets that have and will continue to be imperative to my career trajectory, the relationships and life-long bonds that I have formed have proven to be just as, if not more, impactful. They say it takes a village, and there is no doubt in my mind that I would not be where I am today without the countless experiences as an undergrad and graduate learning, mentoring, and servicing the community with others in the Greek Life community.”
Charlotte Lucas – Chi Omega

“Greek life gave me a community and sense of place in what could have felt like an overwhelmingly large university. The friendships formed in the Chi O house are some of the strongest of my life, and the memories we shared (and continue to share!) in Athens are so fondly cherished.
I found my stride at Georgia through my involvement in Greek life, but also in the FACS school. Both programs helped make Georgia feel smaller and allowed me to truly find my path and think deeply about what I wanted to do post-grad.”
Maranie Brown – Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

“I was initiated into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Eta Xi Chapter at UGA. My participation in the chapter reinforced the commitment to service and leadership that my parents instilled in me throughout my life. I have leveraged those same values in my career and other civic opportunities, including my Alpha Kappa Alpha graduate chapter in the metro Atlanta area. I strive to be a positive representation of the standards and vision set forth by the Founders of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. in 1908.”
Grant Thomas – Theta Chi

“UGA Greek Life had a significant impact on my experience as a UGA student. As a member of the Theta Chi chapter at UGA, I formed lifelong friendships, developed a commitment and appreciation for serving others and the community, and learned important lessons about leadership as a chapter officer. I am incredibly grateful for the experiences I was afforded as a member of the Greek Life Community. The leadership experiences and life lessons I gained as a member of the Theta Chi chapter helped me gain the skills I needed to be successful in a career in public service.”
Kevin Florence – Phi Gamma Delta

“As a freshman coming into a large university, joining a fraternity was vital to helping me learn to manage all the responsibilities of college. Having a group of peers to share all the new experiences with led to lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories. The Greek community also opened doors to other opportunities on and off campus to help make career decisions, the value of networking and building connections, and the benefits of helping those in need. It was an amazing journey to go from feeling overwhelmed with new responsibilities as a freshman to being able to guide others through the same experiences as an upperclassman. Those lessons and experiences continue to pay dividends throughout my career as they have provided opportunities for personal and professional growth and community service opportunities to help others and continue to pass on the lessons learned through my experiences with Greek life at UGA.”
Leo Chris Kasuya – Sigma Chi

“My involvement with Greek Life/Sigma Chi played a key role in who I am today. The biggest takeaway/lesson from being a Sigma Chi is to seek and surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share similar values and ambitions. However, I feel I also learned that it is critical to get out of your bubble and comfort zone to ensure you are continually growing (not just be involved in Sigma Chi and/or Greek Life).
Greek Life/Sigma Chi is still the source for some of my closest lifelong friends. Beyond incredible friendships, the relationships that I built within Sigma Chi and Greek Life as a whole have contributed to a variety of connections which have helped me build meaningful relationships within my career. It also has opened the door to a few opportunities which I do not feel may have happened without that shared experience.”
Andrew Rasmussen – Beta Theta Pi

“The thing that has benefited me and that I enjoyed the most from my time in my fraternity and in the Greek system as a whole, is the number of good, high-quality friendships I developed while a student at UGA. To this day, 17 years after graduating, I feel like everywhere I go, in both personal and professional situations, I run into someone who I knew through the Greek community.”
Christie Johnson – Zeta Tau Alpha

“Where do I even begin on how being a member of Zeta shaped who I am today? First and foremost, I met the women who became my lifelong best friends. To this day we support one another through all of life’s challenges and celebrations. Those bonds are irreplaceable. Career-wise, it is all about “who you know” in the media industry. The connections I have garnered and fostered through fellow Zetas have been invaluable.”
Nathan Bruno – Delta Tau Delta

“Not only was I able to make life long friends, my time in Greek Life allowed me to continue developing a productive sense of team. In addition, it served me with a broad set of opportunities to collaborate with a diverse group of individuals for common causes. These experiences were beneficial in transitioning into a professional environment and operating successfully.”
Mia Catharine Mattioli – Phi Mu

“Phi Mu was a big part of my UGA experience. The friendships I made are still some of my dearest, and being part of the organization taught me the power of females supporting one another for a greater good. This is a lesson that has shaped me as an individual and my career as a female in engineering. Love in the bond!”
Jake Goodman – Delta Tau Delta

“Greek life helped refine my leadership skills, hone my ability to network, and strengthen my confidence in social settings. I am grateful for my experience in Greek Life at UGA.”
Kenneth L. Johnson Jr. – Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

“Greek Life at the University of Georgia shaped my college experience from the moment I walked onto campus and throughout my time in Athens. I had no clue that the impression that began in the Fall of 2001 would be a lasting one that I continue to engage actively with today. I became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. by way of the Zeta Pi Chapter, the first Black Greek letter organization to be chartered at UGA in 1969, in the fall of my sophomore year. As a newcomer to Athens, the Zeta Pi brothers were active in the campus community as editor-in-chief of the Red and Black, president and vice president of SGA, and a myriad of other leadership activities. Beyond these official capacities, these were also positive men who balanced their service to the campus community with their academics and with enjoying the college experience. I still maintain many strong relationships with brothers that were forged twenty years ago on the campus of the University of Georgia.”
View the full 40 Under 40 list at