The 108th Interfraternity Council President, Emilio Ferrara

Emilio Ferrara is a third year Foundation Fellow & Stamps Scholar from Atlanta, Ga majoring in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology with a minor in Pharmaceutical Sciences. He is also pursuing a certificate in Personal & Organizational Leadership through the UGA Institute for Leadership Advancement’s Leadership Fellows Program. During his time thus far at UGA, he…

Inter-Fraternity Council and Sigma Chi Bring Gordon Corsetti to talk Mental Health Awareness to Community

Inter-Fraternity Council and Sigma Chi Bring Gordon Corsetti to talk Mental Health Awareness to Community

On Sunday, March 20th, The Inter-Fraternity Council in conjunction with the Sigma Chi Fraternity hosted a mental health speaker, Gordon Corsetti, at Cotton Press. Mental Health is a pertinent issue that affects many within our Greek community and the world.  Gordon Corsetti spoke on his past experiences struggling with depression and the techniques he used…