Sigma Alpha Epsilon Raises over $110,000 for Ham Ansley Memorial Fundraiser
The Georgia Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon raised over $110,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through their Ham Ansley Memorial Fundraiser.
The Georgia Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon raised over $110,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through their Ham Ansley Memorial Fundraiser.
The University of Georgia Interfraternity Council hosted an installation Ceremony to welcome the newly elected Chapter Presidents and Executive Board Members.
The University of Georgia Panhellenic Council and UGA Interfraternity Council each gave $100,000, matched by the UGA Foundation, to establish two endowed, need-based scholarships through the Georgia Commitment Scholarship Program.
Hundreds of students danced nonstop for 25 hours on Saturday through Sunday to celebrate the 25th anniversary of UGA Miracle’s Dance Marathon, which raised $1,251,410.20 for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.
The Student Affairs 2025 plan provides a vision to enrich student learning and support student development and growth, and create an even more valuable and memorable student experience at UGA.