UGA Greek Life Recognized at SGLA
This past weekend, the annual Southeastern Greek Leadership Association annual conference was held in Atlanta, Georgia. Organizations and members from the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Interfraternity Council, the National Multicultural Greek Council, and the National Panhellenic Conference gathered to celebrate and recognize their achievements over the past year.
Representatives from all four Greek councils and the Greek Life Office staff at the University of Georgia attended the conference and received numerous awards at its conclusion.
The following awards were received at this year’s awards ceremony:
– 2023 Community of the Year
Interfraternity Council:
– Campus & Community Relations
– Civic & Philanthropic Engagement
– Council Impact Award
– Health, Safety & Accountability
– Leadership Development
– Operational Excellence Award
– Social & Cultural Awareness
– Strategic Branding
– Victor Felts Interfraternity Council of the Year
Multicultural Greek Council:
– Operational Excellence Award
– Strategic Branding
National Pan-Hellenic Council:
– Civic & Philanthropic Engagement
– Cross-council Collaboration
Panhellenic Council:
– Civic & Philanthropic Engagement
– Council Impact Award
– Cross-council Collaboration
– Educational Programming
– Health, Safety & Accountability
– Social & Cultural Awareness
Individual Awards:
– Arham Shah, President of Order of Omega and former president of Pi Kappa Alpha, was re-elected to the SGLA Student Board of Directors. The SGLA Student Advisory Board is composed of seven members of CPC, IFC, MGC, and NPHC councils from campuses across the Southeast.
These students serve as the undergraduate voice on all aspects of planning the SGLA Annual Conference including keynote speakers, educational blocks, and evening entertainment.
– Riya Pandya, President of the University of Georgia’s Multicultural Greek Council and member of Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc., was chosen as the 2023 Multicultural Greek Council Member of the Year. Click here to read more about Riya and this prestigious award.

Description of Awards Won per SGLA:
· 2023 Community of the Year Award: In order to be considered for recognition in one of the three main categories, it must submit at least two subcategory applications. · Campus & Community Relations: This subcategory recognizes the councils that best fosters understanding and supports the sorority and fraternity movement through positive interactions with neighbors, faculty and administrators, law enforcement agencies, the media, etc.
· Civic & Philanthropic Engagement: This award recognizes the councils that best provide initiates and new members with the opportunity to enrich their own lives by giving back to the campus or local community in a meaningful way and recognizes chapters that emphasize hands-on community service and philanthropy.
· Council Impact Award: This award will recognize the councils that submit in two of the following categories: Social & Cultural Awareness, Civic & Philanthropic Engagement, and Campus & Community Relations. The recipient of this award understands how to give back to the community to educate current members, prospective students, and the campus community as a whole to showcase the exceptional work our chapters do throughout the year to make a difference on and off campus.
· Educational Programming: This subcategory recognizes councils whose programs provide education for both initiates and new members/neos. Programs include the promotion of a healthy mind and body, partnerships with other organizations, and other educational initiatives.
· Health, Safety & Accountability: This subcategory will recognizes the council(s) and/or community that best illustrate an overall commitment to advancing health & safety as a priority within their council or community.
· Leadership Development: This subcategory recognizes councils that best provide initiates and new members with the opportunity to enrich their leadership skills.
· Operational Excellence Award: This award will recognize the councils that submit in two of the following categories: Health, Safety & Accountability, Cross Council Collaboration, and Strategic Branding. The recipient of this award will have shown exceptional work in their community that they understand how to operate efficiently to represent their council to current students, campus faculty and staff, and stakeholders in the community.
· Social & Cultural Awareness: This subcategory recognizes councils which exhibited the most successful social concern effort during the past year. The recipient of this award will have incorporated diversity, equity, and inclusion in its program and will be selected based on the overall impact on the community, implementation technique, and council participation. · Strategic Branding: This award recognizes the councils who have developed and regularly utilize a brand that includes a descriptive narrative about the fraternity and sorority experience at their campus.
· Victor Felts Interfraternity Council of the Year: In order to be considered for recognition as an outstanding fraternity community (Victor Felts Interfraternity Council of the Year), all campus governing councils must submit at least two subcategories in all three main categories.
The Greek Life Office celebrates these achievements within our community. Congratulations to all of the 2023 award winners!