Julian Bolanos & Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Honored with Inaugural Liza Burke Community Spirit Award

Julian Bolanos & Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Honored with Inaugural Liza Burke Community Spirit Award

The University of Georgia Greek Life Office extends congratulations to Julian Bolanos and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated on receiving the Liza Burke Community Spirit Award at this year’s H. Gordon & Francis S. Davis Student Engagement Awards.

2023 Dance Marathon total reveal

UGA Miracle’s 2023 Dance Marathon Recap

This past weekend, the on-campus student organization UGA Miracle hosted their annual Dance Marathon event to raise money for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Students, families and faculty gathered together for 24 hours to fundraise and spend time with one another. At the conclusion of the event, this year’s total amount was revealed and over $1,000,000…

UGA Miracle and IFC exec members at annual golf tournament

2023 IFC & Miracle Golf Tournament

Last Sunday, February 5th, the UGA Interfraternity Council partnered with UGA Miracle in their annual golf tournament fundraiser. Although postponed from the original date in January due to weather concerns, the tournament was successful and had good weather conditions. The event was scramble-style and was held at the UGA golf course. Houser Walker Architecture, Howard…