#BeWellUGAFest and The Blood Connection

This year’s successful #BeWellUGAFest featured a new partner with The Blood Connection setting up a blood drive at two locations on campus. The Blood Connection is a community-focused blood donation center working to save lives and connect neighbors in South Carolina and Georgia.
This blood drive was not only an opportunity for students to give back to hospitals in need of blood, but also a way to support UGA Miracle and the UGA Sunshine fund. For every blood donation, The Blood Connection contributed $5 to the donor’s fund of choice, allowing over $400 to be raised while also saving lives.
The Blood Connection was blown away by the support of the UGA Community, saying that so many students, faculty and staff were willing to donate their time and blood to two wonderful causes. There were 101 total donors with 89 completed donations, 78 of which were whole blood donations.
They also noted that some were willing to donate using the ALYX machine, which takes double red cell donations. These units are used frequently in trauma units and are hospital ready when leaving the blood donation site. Overall, there were nine double red cell donations.
Because of those willing to donate, 267 lives were impacted. Each of these blood donations saved three lives. The Blood Connection was delighted with these results.
Although this was the Blood Connection’s first blood drive at the University of Georgia, they look forward to coming back to engage with more Dawgs and provide more opportunities to get involved with their community.
Hosting a blood drive is just as helpful as donating blood. If you are interested in hosting your own Blood Connection blood drive, visit bloodconnection.org/host to request a blood drive.